Bachelor and Master Thesis Topics


Please browse the thesis projects - if you are interested, contact us: [email protected] 


Highway Driving Simulation for Multitasking Research


- Define a suitable highway driving scenario (i.e,. other vehicles, lane changes, etc.)

- Define a set of suitable measurements (i.e., driving performance)

- Implementation in Unity

- Logging of the relevant parameters

- Implement an "automated driving system" with Reinforcement Learning




- Experience with Unity

- Interest in Artificial Intelligence

Investigation of Situational Awareness


- We want to find out how users characterize situations

- Setting up a series of videos displaying AI systems (robots, vehicles, etc.) in operation

- Conducting and evaluating a user study



- Interest in experiments with human participants

- No programming knowledge required

Augmented Reality Applications for Cyclists


- Definition of potential systems (for example, ideal line projection, danger warning system, green wave system, see image)

- Implementation of a prototype in Unity using the bicycle simulator

- Definition of a user study for evaluation

- Conducting and evaluating the user study




- Experience with Unity

- Interest in experiments with human participants


Simple Games/Tasks for Multitasking Research


- Definition of potential side tasks and use cases for multitasking

- Implementation in the Unity Game Engine

- Development and evaluation of an AI agent to perform the task



- Experience with Unity

- Interest in AI